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Meal Planning Tips for Kids on Special Diets

Last updated on May 20th, 2024 at 08:14 am

5 Healthy Meal Planning Tips for Kids on Special Diets

Here are my top 5 healthy meal planning tips for kids on special diets.

How many times has this happened? You’re in the kitchen making dinner, but you forgot what was supposed to go with it.

A busy mom’s life can sometimes seem like a juggling act. Between work, school, and any other commitments you might have, it can feel impossible to find time to plan meals or even grocery shop, for that matter.

However, when you have a child that is on a special diet, this becomes key. You will find yourself frustrated and giving up on that special diet if you refuse to plan meals.

That is why moms must take the time out of their day to meal prep for their kids and the entire family. Meal planning doesn’t need to be complicated either!

In this blog, I will talk about some simple tips on creating a weekly meal plan for your family, so you are never stuck wondering what will happen at dinnertime again!

#1 Create a meal plan for breakfast, lunch, and dinner for the entire week.

My first tip out of 5 healthy meal planning tips for kids is to create a meal plan. Planning all meals will help prevent you from getting to the kitchen and not knowing what you will cook for the day. If you prepare for the entire week, you will have the ability to purchase all food the weekend prior, preventing you from relying on fast food or food that is not so healthy. Planning all meals also saves you much time during the week because you will not waste any time looking for recipes.

#2 If your child is on a special diet, try to find recipes that the entire family can enjoy.

The second healthy meal-planning tip for kids is to find recipes that the entire family can enjoy. There are plenty of recipes you can use that will fit any diet. A good example would be if a recipe requires cheese to be added to the top and your child is dairy-free, take some out before adding cheese to the top or just omit the cheese. Another option is to use a dairy-free alternative in place. There is no need for you to feel that you have to cook 2 different meals if your child is on a special diet.

#3 Don’t be afraid of using leftovers – they’re an easy way to save time in the kitchen!

We all have leftovers at home and no one gets excited about them, but it’s actually an advantage! You can make a quick meal out of the last night’s dinner as long as you store your food properly. For example, if I want to use my leftover turkey for lunch tomorrow just put in some lettuce on top with mayo or dressing – yum! Don’t be afraid of using those old dishes that are lying around in your fridge because they’re an easy way to save time and money when cooking- so why not take full advantage?

#4 Plan ahead by doing some food prep on Sunday evening – this will make cooking during the week much easier!

Having a well-stocked fridge is the key to cooking like a pro. All you need to do on Sunday evening after your last meal with family and friends is get in some food prep by cutting up veggies for salads or making an extra batch of humus so it can marinate overnight – giving you time during the week without any guilt!

#5 Try not to stress about it too much – you don’t need to be perfect 100% of the time!

You don’t need to feel like perfection is necessary in order to be healthy, so give meal planning an honest shot without worrying too much from the start. If this doesn’t work out immediately then adjust accordingly because there are still many ways towards achieving these goals when they seem impossible at first glance.

It might sound silly, but it’s happened to all of us. You are in the kitchen making dinner and you can’t remember what goes with it!

Imagine how much easier life could be if you had a handy guide for everything your child needs to eat at school.

Nutritional Spectrum has created The School Lunch Guide which offers gluten and dairy-free lunch ideas for your child. This is just one way we help busy parents make sure their children get enough nutrients by providing them with easy alternatives they will love as well. Download your guide today!

You may also check this post out “How to put your autistic child on a gluten-free diet?”

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