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Last updated on October 21st, 2024 at 02:57 am

Supporting Children on the Autism Spectrum: How Researched Elements Supplements is Making a Difference with Targeted Supplements

Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) presents a unique set of challenges, as it is often accompanied by underlying health issues that can complicate things a bit more.

I’ve noticed that common issues like gut health imbalances, metabolic dysfunctions, and neurotransmitter imbalances can really affect the symptoms of autism.

With my child, these imbalances seemed to impact his behavior, mood, and overall well-being significantly.

Addressing these issues is crucial for improving the quality of life of any child. 

With the wide variety of things that can be done to address these areas, many become overwhelmed in their quest to improve their child’s health.

Focusing on the foundations for improving your child’s health is the first step in this process.  This includes a nutrient-rich diet, proper hydration, and sleep.

In addition to focusing on the foundations, supplementing can assist in addressing specific imbalances.

With a wide variety of supplements available, many parents find themselves overwhelmed in the quest to identify the best quality options that can genuinely support their child’s specific needs on the autism spectrum.

This is why I am super excited to write this blog post and share with you a newer supplement company, Researched Elements, that is on a mission to provide solutions to address these imbalances focusing specifically on the children on the Autism Spectrum. 

Disclosure: There are affiliate links in this post. If you click the link and buy something, I might get a commission at no additional cost to you! This is what keeps this blog running so consider using these links if you decide to try any of my recommendations.

Introducing Researched Elements Supplements: A Solution for Autism Support

Researched Elements was founded by Dr. Christian Bogner and Alex Zaharakis, both of whom are parents to children with special needs.

Their personal experiences fueled a deep commitment to enhancing the health and lives of children with autism and other special needs through safe, natural, and effective supplements.

I admire them for not only working to improve the quality of life for their own children but all other children on the autism spectrum currently living with symptoms that are being brought on by imbalances within their bodies.

They truly understand the complexities and unique challenges faced by those on the autism spectrum, which led them on a mission to create solutions backed by thorough research and science.

The Science Behind Researched Elements’ Formulations

researched elements formulationsAt the core of their product development is an extensive examination of dysbiosis, metabolic dysfunction, neurotransmitter imbalances, histamine reactions, excess ammonia, oxalates, and many other imbalances commonly seen in kids on the autism spectrum.

There are so many symptoms associated with a lot of these imbalances that can be addressed through nutritional supplementation as well as dietary interventions.

When these imbalances are addressed, symptoms can be improved or even eliminated.

Here is a list of some of the common symptoms seen in children that can be associated with some form of imbalance within the body.

Symptoms like bed wetting, painful urination, grabbing genitals, and eye poking may indicate an oxalate problem.

Symptoms such as teeth grinding, waking up at night, irritability, head pressing, and inappropriate laughter are often linked to ammonia issues.

Symptoms such as sensitivities, hyperactivity, sleep disruptions, OCD, and rashes might suggest histamine problems.

Symptoms such as dark circles under the eyes, anxiety, and sound sensitivity could signal adrenal fatigue.

How Researched Elements Supplements Benefit Children on the Autism Spectrum

researched elements productsResearched Elements formulations’ main focus is to help address the most common underlying issues seen in many of the children on the autism spectrum.

For example, for each area, I mentioned above, oxalate, histamine, adrenal, ammonia, constipation, and many other areas, Researched Elements has created a targeted supplement to address.

Their ultimate goal is to help parents support children with underlying issues through targeted supplementation while focusing on gut balancing as well as addressing other underlying issues.

Through focusing on improving gut health, Researched Elements products can help to restore the balance of intestinal flora, reducing inflammation and promoting better digestive health.

Additionally, by addressing other imbalances such as neurotransmitters, the supplements can improve mood regulation, offering potential relief from anxiety and irritability.

What Makes Researched Elements Supplements Stand Out?

One thing that really stands out about Researched Elements products is the way they prioritize product quality.

Each supplement is crafted using only the highest quality, purest ingredients to ensure maximum effectiveness and safety.

This is very important when it comes to children on the autism spectrum.  Many children can already be very sensitive and having a high-quality supplement makes a huge difference.

Another unique aspect of Researched Elements is their focus on addressing underlying issues in children’s health.

Instead of solely treating symptoms, their supplements are designed to target the root cause of common symptoms associated with autism, ADHD, anxiety, and digestive problems.

The company’s owner, Alex Zaharakis, also offers the option for parents to participate in the Gut Balancing Program which is also beneficial to those looking to dig deeper.

Researched Elements products are made in an FDA-registered, cGMP facility, and meet the highest quality control standards.

I trust that Researched Elements is doing what it takes to prioritize the health of all kids on or off the autism spectrum by producing supplements with utmost care and transparency.

Key Products Offered by Researched Elements

  • GUT GUARDIAN™  – Gut Guardian is a carefully researched supplement for dysbiosis, incorporating 52 clinically studied ingredients. 
  • SPECTRUM MAX™  – Ideal for autism spectrum support, Spectrum Max features 65 clinically studied ingredients, such as Lions Mane and CoQ10. This supplement offers nutritional and neurotransmitter support, aiding individuals in managing microbial dysbiosis and promoting general wellness.
  • MEGA MOTILITY™Mega Motility is a meticulously crafted blend of 21 beneficial ingredients, including Probiotics, Prune, and Cascara Sagrada, aimed at enhancing digestive health and motility for a balanced gastrointestinal system and optimal comfort.
  • PREBIOTIC REPAIR™Prebiotic Repair complements Gut GuardianTM by restoring beneficial gut flora. It includes prebiotic fibers and herbs like GOS, Acacia, and Sun Fiber to support bifidobacteria, and butyrate-producing commensals, and ensures regularity and robust gut health.
  • HISTAMINE HALT™Histamine Halt contains a targeted blend of potent herbs and compounds designed to manage histamine-related reactions and reactivity. It helps alleviate mast cell spikes and microbiome-related sensitivities, promoting continuity in health protocols.
  • OXALATE RELIEF™Oxalate Relief aids in managing the oxalate burden linked to fungal dysbiosis. It supports the body’s natural processes, facilitating smoother progression in health protocols by promoting oxalate handling.
  • AMMONIA AWAY™Ammonia AwayTM supports the body in processing ammonia surges caused by dysbiosis. It assists the liver and the urea/nitric oxide cycles, helping maintain balance and support overall health.
  • REDS & PURPLES™This dynamic blend of Red and Purple Polyphenols offers mucosal support stimulates goblet cells, and bolsters bowel integrity, reinforcing intestinal defenses for improved digestive and gastrointestinal wellness.
  • COLOSTRUM FUSION™Colostrum Fusion combines colostrum, prebiotics, and L-glutamine in a potent mix tailored to support gastrointestinal wellness, intestinal barriers, and bowel integrity effectively.
  • CANDIDA HUNTER™ – Candida Hunter is a specialized compound blend aimed at balancing fungal organisms within the gastrointestinal tract. This targeted solution promotes digestive wellness and a healthier internal equilibrium.
  • THIOFUSION BGO™ – Thiofusion BGO replenishes and vitalizes your body’s metabolic detoxification processes with our rich fusion, unlocking vibrant health and wellness from within.
  • MICROBIOME DIVERSITY™Microbiome Diversity unlocks nature’s power with 54 nutrient-rich ingredients, offering a filler-free formula that nourishes both body and mind for optimal health.
  • SERENE CALM™Serene Calm is a powerful amalgamation of probiotics, herbal ingredients, and adrenal support. It promotes a calm mood and balances cortisol and stress responses while aiding focus and clarity.
  • THIOGUARD LOTION™ – Thioguard Lotion, crafted to recycle oxidized glutathione, reflects a commitment to community empowerment and well-being through thorough research and unmatched expertise.
  • THIOGUARD MB12 Lotion™ Thioguard Lotion is crafted with additional methylcobalamin (methylB12) that provides a greater enhancement in the methylation process.  Great alternative to Methyl B12 injections. 

Researched Elements Promo Code to try Supplements

Researched Elements simplifies the process for parents trying their supplements by offering sample sizes of various products.

This allows you to evaluate their taste before making a larger-size purchase.

Additionally, you can enjoy an exclusive 15% discount on your order with the promo code TNS at checkout.

This offer excludes the products: Dysbiosis AZ1 & AZ2

This offer presents a fantastic opportunity to explore supplements specifically formulated to support children on the autism spectrum and discover the potential enhancements they can provide in health and wellness.

Researched Elements Testimonials and Success Stories

One thing that really got my attention when it comes to Researched Elements testimonials is their transparency.  

People who give their products a chance really are seeing positive results and they do their best to leave the stories public for everyone to read.

Not every company does this; however, this is what most parents want to know – how are the products helping others?

I will share a few of the pulled success stories in this blog post but I suggest you do your own due diligence and check out what others have to say about Researched Elements Supplements on their testimonial page

Most are screenshots from users for transparency which I really enjoyed seeing.  

Overall I see,  real-life examples of families experiencing positive outcomes while using Researched Elements Supplements.

I personally have witnessed changes in myself and both of my kids using their products which is why I felt the need to share these amazing products with others.

They actually taste amazing and the Thioguard Lotion is so easy to use, especially for kids that are on the spectrum.

You can read more about what Thioguard Lotion is doing for many kids on their lotion feedback page.

Here are a few snippets from parents of kids on the Autism Spectrum that are using Researched Elements products to support their child’s health.

“Everyone of the RE products have been so helpful for my son with autism.  Looking forward to trying the new products. Gut Guardian would be my product of choice!”

“I love all of the RE products!  The products that my son instantly improved on was Oxalate Relief!!”

“The Ammonia Away and Histamine have been so helpful for our 18 year old Sammy.  I’m super excited to try reds and purples as well as the new Colostrum for him!!

For more inspiring stories and detailed testimonials, visit their Success Stories page.

Here, you can read firsthand accounts from parents who have experienced the positive impact of Researched Elements supplements on their children’s lives.

How to Use Researched Elements Supplements: A Short Video

Why Now is the Time to Take Action

Now is the perfect time to prioritize your child’s health with the groundbreaking support of Researched Elements’ supplements.

As awareness and understanding of autism continue to evolve, so too do the solutions available.

Researched Elements is at the forefront of this evolution, offering a product line meticulously designed for the unique needs of children on the autism spectrum.

These supplements integrate seamlessly into daily routines, thanks to their well-thought-out formulations and pleasant taste, making them a stress-free addition to your child’s regimen.

By choosing Researched Elements, you are making a proactive decision based on research-backed options that support not only symptom relief but also overall well-being.

Discover their product range today and confidently step towards improving your child’s quality of life.

Navigating the complexities of autism spectrum disorder is a shared journey, and Researched Elements is at the forefront of providing innovative nutritional solutions. By focusing on targeted supplements, they are opening up new possibilities for children on the spectrum.

If you’re interested in learning more about these products or implementing them into your child’s routine, consider consulting with Dr. Christian Bogner who can assist you with understanding your child’s unique needs.

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