Last updated on March 21st, 2025 at 08:31 am
I always enjoy this time of year when kids are getting ready to get back to school for another school year. However, it can be a stressful time for many. From worrying about whether your child will be good with a new teacher to getting back into a routine, there can be a lot to think about and take care of. One thing that I really enjoy about starting a new school year is the fact that you can create a new routine and start the beginning of the year by developing healthy habits with your child. I want to share with you these top suggestions for the upcoming school year that you can use as you start getting your child ready for the school year.
Get Organized
Start by spending some time getting organized and understanding the needs for the upcoming school year.
Prepare a list of all the items they’ll need and start gathering them early so you can avoid last-minute rushes.
Also, try to remember to label everything so your child can easily find their items.
School supply lists should already be available so you shouldn’t have to wait and be forced to fight the back-to-school crowds.
Make sure you are ready with any paperwork that your child’s school might need in regard to IEPs or any other special education documents.
Create a Routine
Creating a routine will help both you and your child manage the upcoming school year more effectively.
Make sure that you plan out meals in advance and create enough time for your child to get sufficient sleep each night.
Additionally, it is important to create time in your schedule for your child to do their homework and get extra help if needed.
This could include therapy, tutoring, clubs, or any other activity that might help supplement your child’s education.
Having a routine will not only make life easier during the school year but can also help your child with their performance.
Finally, make sure to plan out fun activities throughout the year so that your child can unwind and have plenty of time for play.
Build up your child’s immune system
When the school year starts, so does the much-dreaded cold and flu that are most commonly transmitted during this time.
To ensure that your child is able to fight off these illnesses and have a healthy year, make sure to feed your child nutrient-dense foods like fruits and vegetables.
You can start decreasing the amount of sugar you are currently allowing your child to consume.
This will prevent suppression of your child’s immune system and allow it to work more efficiently.
Start adding in foods that are known to have enhanced effects on the immune system.
Foods high in vitamins A, C, and D would be a great start to implement in your child’s diet.
Additionally, make sure your child is getting enough physical activity and adequate sleep during the school year.
This will help to keep your child’s body and mind healthy and ready to tackle any obstacles they may face in school.
Set your child’s sleep schedule
Make sure your child is getting back into a sleep routine. Most kids have been out of school this past summer and staying up pretty late.
Sleep is essential for your child, and you must start getting your child back on a sleep schedule. Most children need anywhere from 10-14 hours of sleep, depending on their age.
I aim at the upper end with my kids to make sure they are well-rested and successful in school.
Start getting your child into a sleep routine and stick to the routine every night.
It is crucial to get this in place a few weeks before school is back in session so that your child has time to adjust to the new schedule.
If your child is going to bed at 10:00 pm, two weeks before school.
Push up sleep time by 15-30 minutes each night until your child is going to bed which they will be allowed to get 10-14 hours of sleep.
Every child is different, so select a time that works best for your child, based on the time you have to wake them up.
Pack your Kids’ School Lunch
Another important tip in setting your child up for a successful school year is to plan ahead and pack your child’s lunch.
There was a recent study done by Moms Across America that revealed a disturbing number of toxins, chemicals, and drugs present in children’s school lunch samples.
These findings are pretty bad since nutrition plays a major role in many of the behavioral issues children are currently having.
Packing your child’s lunch ensures that they are getting the best nutrition possible and staying away from harmful substances.
Not only will this help fuel their bodies, but it can also be a great opportunity to teach them about healthy eating habits.
If you have a child who is on a special gluten and dairy-free diet and you are looking for ideas, check out my “Tips for Packing a Healthy Lunch”
Disclosure: There are affiliate links in this post. If you click the link and buy something, I’ll get a commission at no additional cost to you! However, all my recommendations are things that I personally use because I know they’re clean and good quality products – not just anything with an “affiliate” label on it
Stock your Medicine Cabinet
During the school year, there are always moments when you might feel that your child is either coming down with a cold or have a virus.
This is why I want to encourage you to just keep some items in your medicine cabinet so that you can grab the first sign of a cold.
I always keep a few supplements that work well for my kid’s immune system during the school year.
I will share a few of the supplements that I find to perform exceptionally well whenever my kids come home with sniffles.
Beekeepers Natural Products
These products are easy to use and amazing for kids.
This company has an entire kids’ line of immune-boosting products.
I love to use the immune-boosting spray for my kids because they are super easy to take.
My kids have no problem with the products, and they taste amazing.
Note: These products are honey-based, so please ensure your child can tolerate honey before purchasing them.
You can purchase Beekeeper’s natural products here.
Bioray NDF Immune
Bioray NDF Immune is a liquid supplement that has immune-boosting effects.
It’s designed to help your child get their immune system back on track and in balance.
It’s a great option if you don’t want to take the traditional route of giving your child antibiotics or other forms of medication when they become sick.
I usually give my kids Bioray NDF Immune when they feel like their cold is coming on, and it does a great job of getting them over it quickly without having to resort to antibiotics.
Liquid Zinc
I love to have liquid zinc on hand for cold/flu season. This product works so well and can be easily added to your child’s beverage.
I sometimes have my kids swish this in their mouth like a mouthwash when they have a current infection.
Whenever my kids get a cold bug, I start using this daily until the cold has subsided.
It is best to keep this in your cabinet to have it at the first sign of a call. Always take zinc after a full meal to prevent gastro discomfort.
If you forget this, your child might tell you that they have a tummy ache. It will subside, but it’s best not to take zinc on an empty stomach.
I enjoy using this brand of liquid zinc because it can easily be added to any beverage.
Oscillococcinum is another great product to have on hand.
I like to use this as soon as my child has any symptoms of a cold or flu. It is a homeopathic remedy that helps reduce the severity and shorten the duration of a cold.
I always keep this in my cabinet, so it’s ready to use when needed. I typically give my kids one dose as soon as they have any signs of a cold or flu.
If symptoms persist, I typically will give them another dose hours later.
It has been very helpful in helping my children recover quickly and it’s safe to use for both adults and children!
That’s why I highly recommend adding this product to your medicine cabinet. It can be a great addition to any household!
Liposomal Vitamin C
This is another supplement that I always keep on hand during the school year to use for any virus that my kids may catch. This is a liquid version, so it is very easy for my kids to take.
If I hear any sniffles coming, then I start using this product in addition to the zinc, and it keeps symptoms mild.
Many times, my kids never end up with a full-blown cold if used early enough.
It is important to not take this at the same time as the liquid zinc, space them out by taking it at different times.
As you can see, it is super important to be prepared and build up your child’s immune system to keep them healthy. With our kids being away from others over this past year,
I suspect you will see your child come home with so many cold/flu bugs this year, so it is important to be prepared.
I have provided you with some tools you can use to be equipped to handle this upcoming school year with ease.
I find this liquid brand easier for many people to tolerate.
If you are looking for ways to improve your child’s diet and need help with lunch ideas, check out The Nutritional Spectrum Lunch guide.
This guide provides all the information you need to improve your child’s nutrition, starting with lunch.
You can also check out my favorite products, which I currently use or have used in my journey to improve my kids’ health.
Additional Resources:
- Top 5 (tips) tricks for healthy school lunches
- The nutritional benefits of packing your child’s school lunch at home
- What is Vitamin C, and what does it do for the body?